Career in the IT industry. Interview with CEO at Enzode.
4 min read

Career in the IT industry. Interview with CEO at Enzode.

He set first steps as a programmer to manage progressively bigger technological teams after few years. Each day he makes every effort to optimise the world around him and automate repeatable activities. Great enthusiast of agility, lean development, and being customer-centric. Get to know better Piotr Ławecki, CEO at Enzode. Piotr, please tell us about […]

13 tips to land your dream job
5 min read

13 tips to land your dream job

Are you starting to look for a new job? Do you need a change, or maybe you are looking for your first professional adventure? Everything fits, position, company, location, employment conditions …. but you are aware that you are certainly not the only person who will want to apply. So what should you do to […]

Are you a good employer? Evaluate it without spending a fortune!
4 min read

Are you a good employer? Evaluate it without spending a fortune!

Are HR and Employer Branding activities financially inaccessible for SMEs? Definitely not. Assessing employee dedicated activities is a domain of major corporations with financial means to hire companies qualified in auditing, assessing performance, and data analysis. There are several easier ways any organization can evaluate how their HR and EB operate without driving up costs. […]

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